Growing and Food

Get Growing

by Crabchick
by Crabchick

We grow tomatoes and other crops from seed and sell the established plants on for people to grow at home.

We are also interested in encouraging people to grow more trees, especially fruit trees and explore the possibility of creating street orchards in conjunction with the Forest of Avon.



Local Food

Apples by Crabchick
Apples by Crabchick

Promoting local food production by individuals, educating people about what they eat and how they cook and supporting local commercial producers.

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Wormeries are a kind of super-compost-bin:  a very efficient way to convert ALL household food and garden waste into nutritious compost.

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Stoke Lane Community Garden

Get Growing Trail open day, 9 June 2011 - Annie Warburton
Get Growing Trail open day, 9 June 2011 – Annie Warburton

Just behind the shops in Stoke Lane at the junction with Reedley Road is an oasis of calm and beauty for the local community.

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 whitePast Projects

Local Produce Market


We ran a monthly local produce market in the doctors’ surgery car park, but sadly it had to stop due to lack of custom.

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